23 Lesson

Certificate in Biblical Studies

This includes an intersting but deep study of the Bible and many other courses including including various systems, history of chiliasm, major themes and problems in eschatology, the order of predicted events, and the rapture question.

$40.00 Once Off
22 Lesson

Diploma in Theology

This course briefly surveys what theologians call theology proper or the doctrine of God. It deals with questions such as: Who is God? What are his attributes? What is his eternal plan? What are his works in history? What are his works in history?

$50.00 Once Off
14 Lesson

Bachelor of Theology Degree

Get a more voacational approach to Theology with courses including lessons and tests covering a survey of the teaching of the early Apostolic Faith Church immediately following the ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven. The Fall, The Repentance and more.

$100.00 Once Off

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